International Credit Union Day 2020
On October 15, 2020, credit unions all over the U.S. celebrated the 72nd International Credit Union Day 2020! The theme this year was “Inspiring Hope for a Global Community.”
Oak Tree Blog articles that focus on the Credit Union Industry, and things relevant to our community.
On October 15, 2020, credit unions all over the U.S. celebrated the 72nd International Credit Union Day 2020! The theme this year was “Inspiring Hope for a Global Community.”
Following current lending, trends can boost loan applications and approvals. It can also spark new partnerships and provide a competitive edge in a volatile market.
We wanted to remind the credit unions, we’re here for you to adapt. At any time you want to improve your credit union forms and budgets.
In an expert opinion article posted on Credit Union Times our CEO, Richard Gallagher, discusses how members switch financial institutions.
Are you considering a data processor switch? If so, there are several things to consider in order to ensure the process goes smoothly. Following these steps will make the transition efficient and minimize any headaches.
In a commentary article posted on CU Management Richard Gallagher discusses why you want to be a hummingbird, not a gnat.
For the credit union world, the eventful year of 2017 is now a thing of the past. When we take a look back at the past twelve months we remember the highlights and bright spots from around the industry. Credit unions who saw success were recognized, as well as the individuals who helped facilitate accomplishments and achievements.
In a commentary article posted on CU Management Richard Gallagher presents a few inspiring quotes for your credit union leadership.
In a commentary article posted on Credit Union Management, Richard Gallagher discusses how budgeting’s not a chips and salsa party.
In a commentary article posted on American Banker, Richard Gallagher discusses the Equifax breach and your credit union.