Innovating Lending Forms at your Credit Union

Innovating Lending Forms

As technology advances and becomes more affordable, nearly 81% of people own a smartphone. All the information one could need is at the touch of a screen. The days of dialing a phone number to find out what hours the credit union is open are long gone. Running a quick Google search or taking a peek at social media is the best way to find out when in-person banking can be done. Naturally, as technology advances, credit unions need to expand options for digital banking and lending

Don't let your Credit Union get left behind in 2021

Don’t Get Left Behind in 2021

Have you and your #CUteam reflected back on the year 2020? If so, are you pleased with your marketing efforts and ROI? Or, is there room for improvement? If you’re like us, you know there is always room for improvement! When it comes to marketing, there is also room for innovation and creativity as to how you will get your credit union’s message and services out to your current and potential members.