Humanitarian Highlight 4.15.21

For this week’s Humanitarian Highlight, we want to look at communities being built and rebuilt. Is your credit union a stand-out when it comes to charity and community? Then hit us up on social media and let’s help get the word out on your good works!! From animals to children and the most vulnerable let’s look at how CUs are building and rebuilding communities.

Hughes Federal Credit Union

Hughes Federal CU was able to raise $3,725 for the Tucson Wildlife Foundation with a Diana Madaras “Bobcat at the Pool” debit card. These cards were issued to their members in 2020 and each raised $5.00 for the cause. The card featured art by a local artist, Madaras and it was free to their members with a checking account and even offered discounts at the Madaras Gallery. The Tucson Wildlife Center is a great team of volunteers that help rescue native wildlife in need. This project has been ongoing since 2019 and has raised more than $7,875. These animals are an important part of our communities.

Hanscom Federal Credit Union

Hanscom FCU ran a #BuildHope campaign that raised $1,000 for the Great Divide Animal Rescue, and $500 to Kiva, Mental Health America, and Girls Who Code. The drive was based on an offer of $10 to their employees for a charity of their choice. The employees were also given an opportunity to turn that $10 into a $1,000 donation if they created a short video to show their reasons for their charity choice. Then the credit union posted the videos on their social media and had the public vote for their favorites.

Trumark Financial Credit Union

Trumark Financial CU put together many baskets containing essential cleaning supplies for use at local Pennsylvania organizations providing help to those who are experiencing domestic violence. The donations were given to A Woman’s Place, Domestic Abuse of Delaware County, Home of the Sparrow, Inter-Faith Housing Alliance, and St. Francis Inn. These charities are truly rebuilding communities and helping people find better tomorrow.

American Eagle Financial Credit Union

American Eagle FCU donated $5,000 to help kids learn science. The money was donated to the Evolutions (Evoking Learning and Understanding through Investigations of the Natural Science) program. This great cause provides all types of scientific resources to the students in New Haven and West Haven. What a great way to build a scientifically-minded community.

Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union

Evansville Teachers FCU donated $30,000 to the Evansville Vanderburgh County School Corporation (EVSC) thanks to their ETFCU/EVSC Debit Card Program. This program offered six different debit cards which took donations based on every purchase used by the cards. This program is still ongoing, so check out their site for more details on how to support these schools. A great way to make the school community build on its strengths.

Robins Financial Credit Union

Robins Financial CU donated $5,000 to the Rebuilding Together Warner Robins in honor of National Rebuild Day. This great charity provides low-income homeowners with critical home repairs and truly helps rebuild their community. The repairs range from roofing, electrical, accessibility modifications, and even landscaping, and other important issues.

Oak Tree Business Systems, Inc.

We also wanted to bring up how we are participating in this year’s Credit Union SACTOWN Virtual 5k. The event started last Saturday and ends on the 20th of April. If you have not signed up now you have until the 19th as a last chance entry date. They are allowing participants to do more than just running, so that’s great for those of us who tend to avoid running. Be sure to check out the Sacramento Running Association and remember that 100% of the funds go to benefit the Children Miracle Network Hospitals in California and Nevada. Thank you to the California Credit Union League and the Nevada Credit Union League for all you do as well!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! It was great to see so many CUs Building Communities. Please check out last week’s, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598.

On a final note, we have started a new feature, the Credit Union Roundup, and we hope you return tomorrow to see what is going on in the Credit Union community and how the CUs Building Communities continue to happen every day!