Credit Union Marketing Corner
It is that time of year when we tend to slow down on work projects in an effort not to let the holidays stop our progress. It is also the time when everyone reflects on the past year, so we will look at our 2022 credit union blog articles and see what everyone enjoyed this year.
First, let’s look before this year as we have some great articles that continue to see many credit union workers visit time and time again, and how those were built upon by some popular articles this year.
Credit Union SWOT Analysis
This 2020 article went into the big four things that can affect the growing concern of any company. The internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors of opportunities and threats to the industry they are in. This is a great exercise for every company, including credit unions, to do every year to prepare for the future. There will always be new opportunities and threat unforeseen so these are living projects in that they need to be changed and adapted from time to time. When it comes to proper SWOT Analysis implementation it is important to keep up with marketing trends, and not forget the importance of marketing when credit unions create annual budgets.
Checklist for Credit Union Compliance
This was a simple list of things to keep in mind when looking to assess one’s credit union for proper compliance with all laws and regulations they are beholden. The main points are to stay current, be diligent in audits, be proactive, and stay consistent. We work hard every day to keep your credit union in compliance with respect to credit union forms and credit union documents, so we understand how herculean this task may seem. This year we looked even how important Credit Union Sign Compliance is important and the dynamic nature of regulatory compliance.
Want to Be the New CEO of a Credit Union?
We like to look at our readers as motivated go-getters, what we veterans call “high-speed, low-drag” and so we had put together this 2021 article to really help those who feel ready to become a CEO think about some of the things they should think about when it comes to that promotion. This year we also put out an infographic on some tips to be a successful CEO and 4 Tips on CEO Effective Leadership.
We hope you have enjoyed the hard work we put every week into creating this content and getting it out to you wonderful people. Have a great holiday and when your credit union wants the best forms on the market be sure to look at our products and services for credit union documents & forms.