Humanitarian Highlight 12/12
Happy #HumanitarianHighlight everyone!! We hope you all have had a great week so far. The greatest thing about a post like this is highlighting the extraordinary efforts many credit unions partake in. Whether it is donating money, planting trees, or volunteering; being able to show the world that you are the one helping make a change, says so much. Let us know what you think, and please tag us using #HumanitarianHighlight if you know of a credit union that went above and beyond for its community. They show courage for the present to help their communities for their futures.
RTN Federal Credit Union
Round of applause for RTN FCU for holding a Sock Drive as an effort to help support the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP). The total amount of socks collected came out to 244 pairs of new white socks to be given to those in need!
“Since 1985, our mission has remained the same: to provide or assure access to the highest quality health care for all homeless individuals and families in the greater Boston area. BHCHP’s targeted, compassionate management of limited resources yields everyday successes that are a living tribute to the ideals of a just society.” BHCHP
Click HERE to learn more.
Tendto Credit Union
Loving their community and all those around, Tendto CU presented a $3,701.65 check to Saint Vincent Hospital, a local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Outstanding job everyone!
Nuvision Credit Union
During their Veterans Day Gas Giveaway, Nuvision CU filled a total of 302 cars with 4,506 gallons of gas, hitting a Nuvision record!!! Thank you to your incredible staff and members for helping create a #CUmovement!
St. Jean’s Credit Union
Being a big part of helping out their community, the St. Jean’s Credit Union Charitable Foundation donated a generous amount of $25,000 to help fund the Bloomberg Lab at Salem University Bertolon School of Business.
“St. Jean’s Credit Union Charitable Foundation is proud to support the University in its continued commitment to providing top-notch education to students in our communities and beyond,” said President/CEO C. David Surface of St. Jean’s Credit Union. “As a student entering the ever-changing economy, you need every chance you can get. Finance students having the opportunity to work hands-on at the Bloomberg Terminal will be stronger candidates in the competitive job market.” Bloomberg Lab at Salem University Bertolon School of Business
Priority Plus Federal Credit Union
With nothing getting in the way, CEO Susan Winward, and Alexandria Dennis camped out during the cold for a cause campaign at the Delaware KIDS Fund’s Operating Warm Newport. The campaign raised well over $75,000 and 100% of all the donations will go towards keeping the children below the poverty line warm this winter.
Rivermark Community Credit Union
Spending their day creating a difference within the community, Rivermark Community CU volunteered with Friends of Trees to help plant 426 native trees, shrubs, and ferns at the Kelly Creek Natural Area!
“Friends of Trees was founded in 1989 by a community member who loved trees and started planting them in Portland neighborhoods. Today, Friends of Trees is a nationally recognized, regional leader in improving the urban tree canopy and restoring sensitive natural areas—through programs delivered by thousands of volunteers. Friends of Trees green our region while growing community.
Since our founding Friends of Trees has planted 800,000+ trees and native plants with thousands and thousands and thousands of volunteers in 120+ neighborhoods in six counties across two states.
Whether it’s a forest created from our canopy of urban trees or the forest to come from our restoration plantings in sensitive natural areas, there is no doubt that the trees planted by Friends of Trees play a vital role in our region’s livability. Given rising temperatures and all that we know about the cooling and cleansing effects of trees, it’s easy to see how our work improves our natural environment. But what’s really something else is the people-power: the trees we plant are actually planted by 6,000+ volunteers every planting season.” Friends of Trees
Click HERE to learn more.
Charter Oak Federal Credit Union
Outstanding humanitarian efforts by Charter Oak FCU for collecting and dropping off 516 pounds of food to United Way of Southeastern Connecticut!
“United Way of Southeastern Connecticut is a locally-based non-profit organization supporting a vital network of health and human services, programs, and initiatives in New London County, CT that work together to help people in need and improve community conditions. Supported programs include early care and education, child development and disabilities, physical and mental health care, crisis intervention, shelter, employment training, emergency/disaster preparation, and response and recovery service.
United Way operates the Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Food Bank which provides food to local free emergency food programs including ten monthly Mobile Food Pantry distributions, at no cost to those in need. United Way supports 2-1-1 Connecticut for free information and referral 24/7 and Project Warm-up for one-time, emergency heating assistance.” United Way of Southeastern Connecticut
Directors Conference was a hit this year and like every other year. The conference concentrated on taking a deeper glance at enhancing skills and finding new ways to approach governance. Sacrificed time and resources to make credit unions better. You might ask, who is a director and what is the purpose of becoming a director? Well, all director positions are volunteer-based and come with a very rewarding experience. Not only are you representing the credit union, but all of their members and the benefits they provide them the best of care. The overall purpose of being a director is to ensure that the credit unions have met all the goals they have promised not only the board but their members. Interesting huh?
Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our product & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598!