Innovating Lending Forms at your Credit Union

Innovating Lending Forms

As technology advances and becomes more affordable, nearly 81% of people own a smartphone. All the information one could need is at the touch of a screen. The days of dialing a phone number to find out what hours the credit union is open are long gone. Running a quick Google search or taking a peek at social media is the best way to find out when in-person banking can be done. Naturally, as technology advances, credit unions need to expand options for digital banking and lending

Humanitarian Highlight: 2.4.21: Credit Unions Climbing Mountains

Credit Unions Climbing Mountains

Welcome to this week’s Humanitarian Highlight #CUfamily! We have complied #creditunions from all over helping individuals and businesses in their communities climb mountains. ⛰️🤝 Oak Tree is forever grateful to be part of making an impact on the #CUway. If you know a credit union that has gone above and beyond in making a #CUdifference, use our hashtag #HumanitarianHighlight to let us know about it, so we can give them a shout out! 🗣️