Forms Output Services
In addition to, or in coordination with, pre-printed documents, Oak Tree can provide credit union forms in laser-generated or web-based formats.
Pre-Printed Forms
From a marketing perspective, printed forms can be found in a variety of layouts and designs. This allows the credit union flexibility to market to any specific market demographic. Printed forms can be developed in a mail-back style, brochure, pamphlet, or as simple as a buck slip for easy branch distribution. These forms are all ready to go and shipped directly to your credit union from our plant.
Laser-Generated Forms
Laser-generated forms allow your credit union to print out your lending documents at your credit union while ensuring every word, number, and line is right where they need to be. One misprinted word can cause a huge compliance issue, but with Oak Tree forms you have the opportunity to proof your forms before they are set up for use on your system. Another Oak Tree advantage to having laser-generated forms is there are no additional charges should you have any changes to your forms after they have been approved.
Web-Based Forms
Any of your laser or printed Oak Tree forms can be designed in a suitable format for any web use. This allows your members the accessibility to view and complete your forms from any electronic device. We all know how important technology is today and this is the cutting edge for the newest generation.
A sample of the types of documents we can create and customize for your credit union:
Credit Union Documents
- Membership Documents
- Consumer Lending Packages (Custom or Signature)
- Open-End & Closed-End Home Equity
- Business Lending Packages
- Ancillary Documents
In addition to forms packages, Oak Tree provides Operational Documents to meet your credit union’s specific needs. A sample of the types of Operational Documents we can create for your credit union:
Pre-printed Documents
Whether you need a four-color mail-back application, a two-color promotional loan proceeds check, or a 20-page booklet of your Agreements & Disclosures, Oak Tree can manage any print job, large or small.
Promotional Mailings
- Credit Insurance Applications & Schedules
- GAP/MBI Election
- Loan Checklists
- Agreement to Provide Insurance
- Authorization for Payoff
- New Loan Thank You Letter
- Satisfaction of Mortgage
- Member Account Change Form
- Wiring Instructions
- Power of Attorney….and many more
Disaster Recovery Program – CD
As your credit union is required to have a contingency plan when it comes to your forms in case of a disaster. Oak Tree has always been on point when it comes to assisting your credit unions in a disaster. Ask us about this service when you purchase any of our forms packages.
Buy Now Compliant Form Packages available in a fillable PDF.