3 Keys to More Credit Union Members
3 Keys to More Credit Union Members

How Enticing & Simple is Your Credit Union Membership Application Process?

Every now and then it’s important to take a look at your membership process to make sure it is easily accessible. While you might think you have all bases covered, and you most likely do, it’s always a good idea to take a few minutes and review the process. You want to make sure your credit union membership process is easy and enticing. Address the following areas to ensure a smooth, easy road to membership. Here are 3 keys to more credit union members for your institution!


Have you covered all the bases regarding membership awareness? Is all of your branding in place, easily identifiable, consistent, front and center? Take a moment and look around your credit union. Make sure the first impression a potential member has is that you want him to join your credit union. If you notice an area lacking, make adjustments until it is obvious to anyone who walks through the door that you want him on your team. Also, do the same evaluation of your website. Remember, people like invitations. Your web presence should give them one.


Potential members looking to finance an automobile loan, or obtain a first or second mortgage, will likely turn to a credit union for the low rates and attractive terms. Make sure you have any promotions regarding those services, and any other services you have to offer, in plain view. Look to make sure they have a high degree of physical visibility in your credit union, and online. Promotions can be used as a great hook to get new members. It is important that potential members are aware of anything special you have to offer like introductory rates, online banking, and automatic bill pay. This could be the very thing to entice them to leave their current banks and become members. Oak Tree also offers Marketing Services to help your credit union grow.


The easier a credit union application process is, the better. This is why Oak Tree’s fillable forms are a good alternative option. It cuts down on the time it takes for new members to fill out the form, and gives you more time to get to know them as individuals. It makes the process a lot less formal and works to establish a rapport from the beginning. Plus, all of our forms are compliant with regard to disclosure requirements and all other state & federal guidelines. All that is required is simple and accurate data input.

Consider these three areas to be a great starting point. There are other ways to make your membership application process enticing and simple. Just get creative. Work through the process as a new member and make note of any areas you might be able to streamline or make more appealing. Of course, if you need credit union membership forms we are just a phone call away. We are happy to serve and would do anything we can do to make sure our forms contribute to making your membership process as simple and attractive as possible.

Remember, for all of your members we can help them with better credit union lending documents as well!